Why Movies?

by jason130497

So, here I am, writing a blog about movies, why? Well, it’s pretty simple, but let’s see if you can puzzle it out? Successful movies will – hopefully – engage and enchant the viewer, while also entertaining them. Of course there are movies that don’t quite manage the first two points and just focus on entertainment, Sharknado springs to mind. Yet, even though it was just for entertainment, the sheer stupidity and cluelessness of the actors, the plot, the director somehow manage to create something so horrifically bad that it’s actually good, quite a paradox.

While Sharknado may become a cult classic in the near future, movies that are already cult classics are timelessly great movies, some are better than others, however. Feast, Napoleon Dynamite and The Pink Panther are some examples that I think are quite lackluster, especially when they are against the likes of The Godfather, The Shawshank Redemption and Alien. Honestly, do yourself a favour and go out and watch each of these movies if you haven’t and if you have, watch them again!

So after those two paragraphs (which I just re read) I’ve realised I may have slightly strayed from my point, which was, why am I blogging about movies? The real reason I guess is: I want to express my sheer love and joy for movies. I’ll do this through critic, I know I know, everyone is a critic. So let’s say I’ll review the movie, only I’ll make it entertaining and actually worthwhile. I’ll say what I want to say about the movie and make my peace with it, if I hate it, trust me you’ll know about it in explicit detail. If I love it, again explicit detail. I almost feel like Julie from Julie and Julia, just hopefully without the self-doubt  and the pitiful job and apartment…

Any who, until Saturday, when I’ll do my first review on the movie, Dark Skies. Every Saturday is a new movie and new review and opinion, so until then rest easy.

Happy Days.